Haz-Mat Size-Up
As a first-due engine, ladder, or chief officer arriving at the scene of a hazardous material incident, members need to be well prepared for the challenges presented. From the increased use and transportation of hazardous materials across our roads and rails, fire officers across the country are increasingly being challenged to make efficient, effective and safe decisions.
To assist the fire officer in his/her decision making, the US Department of Transportation has developed, and continually updates an “Emergency Response Guidebook”. The DOT guidebook is designed to be utilized by first responders at the scene of hazardous material incident.
The Emergency Response Guidebook is an essential part of the fire officer’s ability to size-up a potential hazardous material incident. It is critical to the safety and operational effectiveness of the incident that all firefighters and fire officers be proficient with its use.
Training Bulletin #3 is a “Quick Reference Sheet” that is designed to allow members to quickly and efficiently navigate through the DOT guidebook.
HAZ-MAT SIZE-UP Quick reference sheet for use of the DOT Guidebook
Step 1 – Identify the material by finding any one of the following:
- The 4-Digit ID number on a placard or orange panel.
- The 4-Digit ID number on a shipping document/package.
- The name of the material on a shipping document, placard or package.
If the ID number or name of the material cannot be found, skip to the NOTES below.
Step 2 – Look up the material’s 3-digit guide number in either:
- The ID number index (yellow bordered pages)
- The name of the material index (blue bordered pages)
(If in the index, the entry is highlighted in either yellow or blue, look up the ID number and name of the material in the Table of Initial Isolation ( green bordered pages) for additional information)
Step 3 – Turn to the numbered Guide (Orange pages) and read carefully.
- Utilize the guide to assist you in your “initial action plan”
- NOTES: If a numbered guide cannot be obtained by following the above steps, and a placard can be seen, locate the placard in the table of placards (pages 16-17). Once found, go to the 3 digit guide shown next to the sample placard.
- NOTES: If a numbered guide cannot be obtained by following the above steps, and a placard can NOT be seen on a Railroad tank car or Tractor Trailer, locate the Guide number in either the Rail car or Road trailer identification chart (pages 18-19). Once found, go to the 3 digit guide shown.
- NOTES: Use guide 112 for all Explosives except for Explosives 1.4 where guide 114 is to be consulted.
- If a reference to a guide cannot be found, turn to Guide 111 and use it until additional information becomes available.
Stay Safe !
Michael A. Terpak
Deputy Chief, City of Jersey City